The Iconic Eames Owl: A Timeless Design Masterpiece


The Eames Owl is a sculpture made by the iconic Mid-Century Modern designers Charles and Ray Eames in the early 1960s. This piece is one of the many examples of the Eames’ ability to create functional art that incorporates modern design with traditional materials. The Eames Owl, in particular, has become a symbol of their legacy and continues to inspire designers and art aficionados alike.

The Design of the Eames Owl

The Eames Owl is a sculpture made of molded plywood. It stands at 37 cm tall, with a wingspan of 22 cm, and has a hollowed-out interior that makes it light enough to be carried with ease. The design of the owl is simple, yet instantly recognizable- the body and head of the owl are one continuous loop of wood, while the wings are separate pieces that groove into the body.

What makes the Eames Owl design unique is its ability to incorporate traditional materials such as wood, with modern technology, such as the process of molding plywood. Molding plywood allowed the Eames to create intricate shapes with ease and precision, which is evident in the expressive form of the Eames Owl.

The Legacy of the Eames Owl

The Eames Owl has become a timeless masterpiece that continues to inspire designers even today.

Inspiring Minimalism

The design of the Eames Owl is characterized by its minimalism- the simple form and smooth curves have an understated elegance that has inspired designers for decades. The Eames Owl serves as an example of how form can follow function without sacrificing style.

Inspiring the Use of New Materials

The Eames Owl is also a testament to the Eames’s innovative use of materials. Their use of molded plywood made it possible to create complex shapes with a material that was both affordable and easy to manipulate. This approach to material selection still inspires designers to explore new materials and push the boundaries of material technology.

Inspiring Environmental Sustainability

The sheer longevity of the Eames Owl is also a testament to the couple’s commitment to designing sustainable products. The use of wood, a renewable resource, and molded plywood’s durability, makes the Eames Owl a sustainable product that has endured for over 60 years.


The Eames Owl is a masterpiece that embodies the Eames’s ability to merge form and function to create works of art. The simplicity of its design, innovative use of materials, and commitment to sustainability make it a timeless piece that has become a symbol of the Mid-Century Modern design movement. Its influence on modern design still resonates today and serves as an inspiration for innovation and creativity.

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